Monday, February 25, 2008

Where Oh Where Have I Been????

Skiing at The Loup's South Summit

I've been right here! I guess I've been quite the slacker lately! Actually, I just haven't had a free evening to sit down at the computer. I don't like to blog or check email or anything computer related when the kids are around. Not only do I get distracted by them but I also feel guilty paying so much attention to this silly little screen! I try to save any of this type work/fun for after bedtime. My problem lately has been that I've wanted my bedtime to be shortly after kid bedtime!
Anyway - yes, we've been very busy. We've been skiing with friends, taken a weekend trip to Spokane, attended cub scout ceremonies, gone to the movies, watched a couple of plays, folded some laundry, fixed many dinners, blah, blah, blah.....
Yep - we hit the trails of the Loup yet one more time, this time with our good friends who ski quite frequently. The boys and Steve took off ahead and went up and down some fun hills. I hear they even had some time to climb a few trees! I stayed back with the little girls (who were more my speed!) and Gary. Lynell went between the two groups. We spent several hours on the trail and had a great view of the North Cascades. I spent some time trying different settings on the camera so I have lots of pretty mountain shots! Now, if I could just remember what those settings were! Hee hee!
Last weekend we took advantage of President's Day and drove to Spokane. Robyn and Kim came from Seattle and Erin even had some time off to spend with us. It was one of the most enjoyably relaxing weekends of late, though I can't complain about any of them. Steve and I did a little shopping; Steve was able to visit with friend, Randy; I shopped a bit more with my mom; I went to a movie with Robyn and Kim; Erin colored Dylan's hair - yep - we went to dinner with Steve's family; had great dinners at mom and dad's. Like I said, it was a great weekend!
Dylan is quite the cutie these days! Yes, we let Erin add some highlights to his hair. I wish we had a picture to show but I don't think it would do the new style justice. Dylan's hair is a little too long for my taste but he looks darn cute with his big front teeth (with huge gaps around them!), dimpled grin and long, sun-streaked hair!
Several of my students were in a play put on by the Missoula Children's Theater on Saturday. I took the kids and we were all impressed by what 2 women can do with 40 kids in 4 days! The cast members auditioned on Tuesday, rehearsed on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and then performed on Saturday. This company hires actors to travel around the US, acting as directors for these plays. The sets are portable so they are ready to go and the costumes are made to be altered. Everything else is up to the directors and the kids. It was fantastic! Both Dylan and Lyndsi said they'd like to do it next year. We'll see how they feel then!
Steve and I then went to Okanogan High School's drama presentation of Murder Me Always, a murder mystery dinner theater performance. Again, I was thoroughly impressed! We were served a delicious looking dinner and participated in the solving of the murder. I guessed wrong, Steve guessed right!
Wrestling starts this week.....listen to my groan.....and Dylan is so excited. Mom isn't. Last year was a learning experience for both of us. I had no idea the kids are so aggressive in "Kid Wrestling"! Dylan was a bit taken aback also, but he toughed it out and did quite well. So, as I was saying, wrestling starts again. I'm ready for it this year! I am supportive of Dylan in this endeavor but it is heart wrenching to watch! If anyone wants to come witness a Kid Wrestling tournament, head over here any Saturday in March!
You know, I think there was something else I wanted to blog but it's just not coming to me! This is what I get for taking so long between posts!

Friday, February 1, 2008

It's Friday!

Yep - He's a malamute! They were even laid back before the races!

Finally! This has been one crazy week! Not for any one reason that I can pinpoint. Just busy all around so I am glad that we finally have a couple of days to recoop. Steve and I just finished watching the documentary , "Parrots of Telegraph Hill", or something like that! Pretty good. It's about the flock of Cherry Conures that lives in San Fransisco. The man who befriended the birds is an interesting fellow! I think I'd like him!

I promised pictures of the dog race last Sunday but was a bit windblown and sleepy on our return. We had a great time! It was cold but we didn't really notice. When we first arrived, it was the sound that caought my attention. Those dogs get you hooked! I love how excited they are to get out and run! The howling and barking and crying makes my hear swell with anticipation. As we were walking around admiring the teams I had a fleeting thought of wanting to be a musher - like I said, it was fleeting! As much as I love the sport, I don't like the cold and I am not that dedicated. I'll just continue to be a mushing groupie!

One little tidbit of info I learned this year had to do with the different racing breeds. The first time we went to Conconully I was shocked by how thin the dogs appeared. I had imagined mushing dogs to be malamutes that were full of fur and maybe even a layer of blubber! Not so - many of the dogs running in the races are husky mixes who are built for speed and endurance. Large dogs, like the malalmutes I had envisioned, are used for mushing but they don't have the speed for the races. They are strong and can go some distance but don't have the oomph of the smaller dogs. Makes sense! I actually learned this several years ago as I questioned Amy on her feeding practices but I saw it in action this year. Several teams had teams of 6 Malamutes. Boy are they lazy! Not far from the start, the course makes a turn and begins to go uphill. The husky teams pulled with all their might and managed to keep up their speed while progressing up the hill. The malamutes stopped! One dog even sat down! The mushers had to get off the sleds and push the sled up the hill to keep the teams going. It was actually quite humorous. The dogs were plenty strong enough but just didn't care to put that much effort into their work!

Anyway, this is the first year that we have made it on time to see my friend, Amy, start the race. She hadn't done so well on the previous day so was a bit disheartened but was still looking forward to being on the trail again. At the start, volunteers literally have to hold her dogs back! Amy raced with only 5 dogs and she had to have 2 adult men hold her team until the starter yelled, "Go!". Then they were off! It's such a thrill to see!

Amy's team - Gem and Ernie in the front

We hiked up the trail and played in the snow for several hours while we waited for the teams to return. The snow came up to my lower thigh so was very deep on the kids. They had a ball, digging into the snow, climbing the trees that bowed to the ground and throwing snowballs. It helped that Louis and Reily were there with mom, Lynell. During the wait, Dylan even got to mush a single dog team with Lyndsi and Reily in the sled. He was ecstatic! He'd ridden in the sleds before but had never been the musher.

Dylan's got the mushing fever!
Check out the fur on that dog!

Other than the Superbowl on Sunday, we don't have many plans. I think I'll get up late, drink some coffee and read a magazine. Hmmmm...we'll see!