Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Soccer Princess and a Photo Shoot

Soccer has started with a vengence! Monday - Lyndsi, Tuesday - Dylan, Wednesday - Lyndsi, Thursday - Dylan, Saturday - Dylan. I'm pooped! Though I do love sitting in the brisk evening air, cheering on the devoted players. Lyndsi was so excited to finally start soccer! She's been waiting for "Monday" for about 2 weeks!
Today was picture day at school and I couldn't resist snapping a couple of pictures of Max and Dylan in their 7 year old finest! They looked so cute sitting on their desks next to each other! They both have the long "soccer hair" going on. Not sure I'll ever get Dylan to willingly get a haircut again!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, Jill, I'm with you on the busy evenings. The fall season will be over so soon though! I love all your photos, so cute on the swing. You'll have to send me that one of the boys all dressed up. I heard a few comments from people at the high school that afternoon about how the boys looked like dressed up salesmen as they went around collecting pledges for the jogathon! LOL!