Friday, January 30, 2009


We experienced something tonight that I don't think I've ever experienced before. I wish I had pictures to share but check Amy's blog over the next few days - I'm sure she'll get some up. She took some great shots.

On my way home from work I noticed a small crowd outside the Cheeseman's house so, being the nosy friend that I am, I stopped to ask what was going on. About that time Amy came out of her house with her camera (I knew then that this wasn't some horrible emergency!) and she told me that there was a young hawk of some sort trapped in her yard. As it turns out, Anya, the Cheeseman's big lab/husky mix, had pinned the large bird to the ground and was investigating it. No one was quite sure how she caught it! Someone was just driving by and saw her with it - apparently she took a few pecks to the head before she released the bird!

The red tailed hawk (we learned it's species from the Fish and Game officer) had an injured wing and couldn't get itself off the ground.

I ran home and picked up Steve and Dylan and we made it back in time to watch the rescue of the beautiful bird. When the officer caught the poor thing, he brought it back to the truck and we were all able to see it up close. Amazing! I do wish I'd had my camera but it's probably better that I didn't. The hawk was terrified and my flashing would have stressed him more.

Hopefully one of the local vets will take the hawk in and nurse it back to health. She's wonderful and often volunteers her time for this sort of thing.

In other news....

Dylan has another basketball game tomorrow. Wish him luck!

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