Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's been a full 6 weeks since I last posted! I'm so ashamed of myself....sort of! I actually do feel a bit guilty that I've been able to ignore my blog for so long but with Thanksgiving, birthdays, homework, Christmas, Spokane, cards, wrapping, yada, yada, yada I also feel like I have a pretty good excuse!

The holidays have come and gone and I go back to work on Monday after being off for 2 weeks. I've had a very nice couple of weeks with my family and with a few friends. We spent Christmas here in Okanogan. Robyn and Kim came over from Seattle and my parents and Erin came from Spokane to spend the holiday here with us. I was a little worried that it might not all happen but everyone was able to be here for Christmas morning. It was very nice and the kids were thrilled to be at home for Christmas. As it turns out, dad wasn't feeling well so had to go back to the hotel early and wasn't able to have dinner here with us. We packed he and my mom a nice meal to eat together back in their room. It didn't feel quite right not having them here with us but Robyn, Erin and Kim are good company.

On Tuesday morning we loaded the car with more packages, suitcases, dogs and us and headed to Spokane to spend New Year's there. Over the following couple of days, we celebrated Christmas with Steve's mom, met up with some friends for lunch and coffee and spent a lovely afternoon and evening with my parents, Erin and her friend, Ally.

The Cheesemans and the O'Connors came to Spokane to spend New Year's Eve with us downtown at First Night. We feel so blessed to have such great, supportive friends and we had a fantastic time with them that night and the following morning.

New Year's Eve 2009

We celebrated a New Year's Day Christmas with Steve's family - aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmother, mother and all! It was our first introduction to new cousin 'baby Sophia' who is 5 months old already. The kids (and Steve and I!) were totally enamored by her! Dylan and Lyndsi only get to see their cousins once or twice a year so it was especially fun for them.

Great Grandma Margaret with all the great grandchildren

New Year's Resolutions

Do you have any resolutions? I have lots but have narrowed it down to 2 that I'd like to focus on!

First of all, I would like to do some form of activity for at least 10 minutes every day. I know 10 minutes isn't much but I want to keep this resolution within reach. I can always do more than 10 minutes - that's not a limit - but I often don't get home, dinner made and eaten and kids in bed until about 9. By then, it's tough for me to get moving! This way, maybe I'll take a short walk or something without feeling any guilt for not doing more.

Second, I have accepted a challenge from a friend to take a photo a day for the whole year. So far so good! I originally wanted to write a little every day, just about our life and it's goings on but what I think I will do is take a photo and use that as my writing prompt. I might write in a journal or I may do a blog post with the photos included. Today I am posting my first two photos and explaining why I chose to shoot the shots I did.

January 1, 2010
We were in downtown Spokane at Riverfront Park and Dylan did this little hop on the wall. The image caught my eye so I had him do it again and this is the photo I caught. We had been standing in pouring rain as the kids played with the geese and at this moment, the rain slowed down and a glimmer of sun came through the clouds.

January 2, 2010

I attended the memorial service for 8 year old Parker Brown today. As I watched his parents, brothers and others who knew and loved Parker, I felt a strong sense of guilty relief that my children are healthy and happy. This photo shows Dylan and Lyndsi sleeping on our bed, as they do every night until Steve and I take over the bed for ourselves. A simple reminder to keep our priorities in our children because we never know what tomorrow may bring.

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