Friday, December 6, 2013

We've Hit the Busy Season!

Day 276 Home
This is one of my favorite signs! It faded in the sun and Dylan shot some holes into it but that just makes it all the more personal! I was upset with Dylan at first, and he did buy me a new sign, but now this little piece of metal holds a special place in my heart!
Day 277 Home
My Girl Scouts are running a fishing booth at Okanogan's Harvest Festival. The poles are old and the strings are tangled. Thank you, Dylan!!! My patience was not available tonight!

Day 278 Home
Nature's bounty! We just returned from Farmer's Market with some beautiful produce! Put them with the sugar skull Lyndsi painted and we have the start of our fall décor!

Day 279 Okanogan Sportsplex
I can't believe I was on an actual softball team! Dayla and Jon Culp asked us to play on their fundraising team, The Milkmaids and the Milkmen - You have to suck and like it! We rocked! As in, we lost every game but had the most fun! Steve was a stud and was voted MVP for our team. Yep - think we'll do it again next year!

Day 280 Nana and Papa's House
Dylan is wearing a bowtie for Robyn and Kim's wedding. Since none of us know how to tie bowties, we looked up Youtube videos and found a 10 year old who made a great, easy to follow video! I'm almost a bowtie expert!

Day 281 Home
Our wedding clothes are purchased and ready to go! I'm so afraid I'm going to forget something so I have all our wedding clothes wrapped and ready!

Day 282 Virginia Grainger Elementary
I have some great kids! I don't even remember what we were doing here but I can tell they're having fun!

Day 285 Seattle!
We've arrived in Seattle! Our hotel is right downtown and the night is so pretty that we took a walk after we checked in.

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