Saturday, April 17, 2010

Still Working On Those Pictures!

I'm taking a break from homework tonight to update, or at least work towards catching up, my daily pictures. Life has been SO busy lately! Spring is always a bit crazy around our household but this year we are scheduled to our eyeballs! Both kids are in soccer, Lyndsi's in dance, I'm in school, Steve's in the garden, blah, blah, blah! It's all good and we love it!

April 10

Yep - this is our stove clock. This is what time I am up in the morningson my class weekends. In order to make it to Wenatchee by 8, we need to leave by 6. Way too early for this sleep lover!

April 11

I went to Safeway in East Wenatchee on my lunch break today. Looking for something to eat I came across these beauties! I brought them home for dinner and Steve and I devoured them. The kids weren't all that impressed!

April 12

We had dinner in Tonasket at Rancho Chico after one of Dylan's soccer games. Our friend, Juan, used to work in Omak at Rancho Chico and opened his own restaurant in Tonasket. Juan is on the left. Congratulations, Juan!

April 13

Tonight was Lyndsi's turn for a game. I had to snap this photo of the two little blondies on the team. They were so cute. Sofia is the daughter of one of my dear friends and I'm feeling pretty lucky that the girls are on the same team together.

April 14

No picture to post thought there is a picture. I took a picture of the check I wrote to Angie. Angie cleans my house for money I ever spent......I didn't want to post a picture of one of my checks for the world to see. Maybe it's just paranoia but I don't want to open myself up to identity theft or something!

April 15

Report card day! I feel so lucky to have two children who enjoy school. They both work hard at school and for that I'm thankful as well.

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