Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Only A Month Behind!

Day 157 Home
This is gross.....This is what happens when you have a teenage boy in the house. All those splatty things on our front door window are worms. Worm guts to be exact! Yes, Dylan cleaned it all up....disgusting!

Day 158 Okanogan City Pool
Last day of school! Woo hoo! Every year, on the last day of school, the pool has free swim. This year, the temperature was in the upper 80s so the free swim was well attended! I was here picking Lyndsi up to take her home.

Day 159 Omak
Poor Lucy! So much attention! The cheerleaders were putting on a dog was fundraiser. Lucy got a lovely, bubbly bath and a cute pink, gingham neckerchief out of the ordeal!

Day 160 Omak Performing Arts Center
Lyndsi's dance recital was tonight. She took a ballet class this year and had her final performance tonight. Her friend, Renea (on the left) took the class with her and her other friend, Jenna (in the middle), came to watch the performance.

Day 161 Home
Check out all these awards! I'm so proud of my kids! I expect them to do well, always, but I also know that it's not always easy to do well. I have a couple of great kiddos!

Day 162 Virginia Grainger Elementary
This is how much coffee I drank this year! We have a couple of great coffee shops in town so it's very easy to catch your morning coffee on your way to school. These stickers are from Freebird Espresso, the drive-through stand. Mmmmm......

Day 163 Home
This is a bullfrog leg. Dylan hunted and stabbed this bullfrog so now he's going to eat it! Dan Brown is the art teacher at the high school. He lives along the river and is very concerned with the bullfrogs that have sprung up along the river because they eat the salmon eggs in the river. So....Dan mentioned that he goes out and hunts those bullfrogs in the evenings - doing what he can to get rid of an invasive species!

Day 164 Home
And here they are - fried bullfrog legs! Fortunately, the legs were fried in flour so I couldn't sample them....but everyone else tried a bite! The leftovers went to the chickens.

Day 165 Spokane International Airport
It's 6:00 in the morning and Dylan is ready for his trip to Washington DC! I'm so excited for him but I'm feeling so anxious about having him so far away! I know he'll have a great time. Dylan's friend, Brady, is in this picture. Well, and Steve, too!

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