Monday, August 31, 2009

What Happened to My Babies????

Today was the first day of school in Okanogan. It was also the first day of school with no more daycare issues! Whoo hoo! If Amy was still my childcare provider, I'd still be sending my kids to her. But she's daycare hasn't been easy. However, we all survived quite well and we are now entering a new chapter in our lives.

Lyndsi started first grade. Her classroom is right across the hall from me and we are on the same bell schedule, which means we have the same lunch and recess times. So Lyndsi and I are going to see a lot of each other this year!

We had a few scant tears this morning as I left Lyndsi in her room to sit at her big kid desk. No - not mine, though I wanted to shed some of my own! I'm blown away at how my little girl adjusts to changes in her life.

The hardest part of the day for me was when Dylan announced that he wasn't going to ride with me but rather with Steve so he could walk to school from the high school (5 blocks away) - sigh - he's becoming so independent! Needless to say, I saw very little of Dylan today (though I did go peek in his classroom window for a few minutes!) Fortunately, my "little" boy met me at my classroom after school with a big hug and smile. I was consoled.....

Part of Dylan's excitement for the year is the fact that his teacher is an artist and a history buff. He knows a lot about real life pirates and he can draw their ships - AND - he can teach his students how to draw them also! I'm glad these are the things that excite Dylan.

One of the best things about being a teacher is that Steve and I get to experience the excitement (twinged with a bit of stress) of the first day of school. We both had great days, though we are both very tired.

179 school days until summer vacation!

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