Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Week of Birthdays!

Wow! What a week! It started out with a relaxing weekend of scrapbooking! Woo hoo! I know some of you are saying, "Ugh! I can't believe she'd spend a whole weekend scrapbooking!" I sometimes wonder how I do it also but I'm not going to question it too much. I got to spend 2 nights and 2 days at Sun Mountain Lodge scrapping away the days and nights! I did take a break to sit in the hot tub and to take a nice long walk. Otherwise - I was sitting at a table surrounded by other crazy (most of them crazier than I!) ladies! This was my birthday present from my parents. Couldn't have asked for anything more!
Sunday evening I arrived home to a wonderful dinner and a birthday cake (gluten-free!) created by my mother. She and my dad had come over to take care of the kids while I was gone. It was a fabulous weekend!
Dylan insisted I wear the sombrero like at Rancho Chico!
My yummy gluten free dessert! Chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream and fudge sauce...mmmm!
Though there was no school Monday, I spent the day at work getting ready for parent conferences which were Tuesday and Wednesday. Long days! Very productive however.
I am now the proud parent of a 5 year old! I can't believe Lyndsi is 5 already! I no longer have any babies in the house. She's even old enough to go to kindergarten and next month she gets her kindergarten shots - ugh! Yes, Lyndsi had a birthday on Friday and a party on Saturday. We spent Friday at a cub scout pack meeting but made it out to dinner at a local Koala themed restaurant. They even have alligator toes and kangaroo ears! Lyndsi opted for old-fashioned grilled cheese :) The highlight of this birthday was the party on Saturday. We, and 16 other kids, went to the ice cream shop in town. This is a cute 50's style soda fountain place. The kids all made their own sundaes and Lyndsi opened more presents! Fun for all! I loved it because there was no cleanup at my home!
I made these little ice cream treat bags for the guests to take home with them. I got the bowls and spoons (all looking like ice cream cones!) from Oriental Trading Company and created a topping with M&Ms, mint candies and sprinkles. I was pretty proud of the final product!

Lyndsi with her birthday sundae. Look at those pink cheeks!


Kendal said...

Happy birthday to you and Lyndsi. It looks like you both had a blast!

Amy said...

The kids had so much fun at Lyndsi's party!!! We just used our cute ice cream bowls for the second time already tonight! I can't believe there were 16 kids there! They had such a great time! Hope you are all having a fantastic weekend. Tell the family HI if you get this!