Saturday, April 19, 2008

Winter Storm Watch? What the.....????

Yep - that's the news today. We got more snow and it is a whopping 35 degrees right now. Supposedly we will be under a winter storm watch starting tomorrow evening. Sigh... I guess it's a good thing I didn't get my little garden bed cleaned out last week. I was really wanting to plant this weekend! I've lived here long enough to know better. The old timers have always said, "Don't plant anything until the snow is off Omak Mountain!" They're right! The snow is still on the mountain (and now in the valley!). Maybe I'll get some plants in the ground next weekend!

I don't have any pictures to share but I can tell you that this little snowstorm took me by surprise. It was 70 degrees this week and I've been wearing crop pants to work! Dylan's soccer game today was in Oroville so we had an hour's drive. Along the way I was admiring the icicles on the lower halves of the trees in the orchards. Irrigation started this week and apparently when orchardists water, they water no matter what the weather! It really was beautiful! I wonder if the trees will survive?

Supposedly western Washington got hit pretty hard. Can anyone confirm this?

1 comment:

Kendal said...

Confirmed. It snowed around Everett off and on since Friday afternoon through Saturday. Not a lot of accumulation, but none the less, aggravating!