Sunday, May 23, 2010

I love my weekends!

And I'm never quite ready to be done with them!
This was a busy one - but lots of fun. The kids both played soccer in a tournament in Tonasket yesterday. We watched the first game at 9:00 am and the last game at 5:30 pm. Whew! I was more tired last night than I have been in a long time! I know, I know.....I wasn't the one playing soccer all day... but I sure walked a lot! The kids, being in different age groups, were separated by about 6 soccer fields. I think I walked the length of the park about 8 times! Quickly! Each game was 25 minutes long so I usually had just enough time to congratulate (or console) the player before I hoofed it to the next game. I was even a bit sore in the calf area today!

Lyndsi only played 2 games before her team was out of the tournament. It was the first tournament for all the players so I think they were a bit overwhelmed with all the commotion. None of them seemed too saddened by the fact that they got to go home just in time for lunch. Well.... Lyndsi didn't get to leave but she did get to play.

Dylan's team played hard and strong and ended up winning the tournament for the under 12 age group. Such excitement! This is the team who didn't win a single game in the fall - same boys! The elation on their faces was joy to a mama's heart...... and the tears in the coaches' eyes - priceless!

Unfortunately, there was some controversy to tinge the final few games. I never really did find out what the problem was. I just wanted to watch Dylan play a good game and to let him bask in his glory! Fortunately, I don't think the boys were aware of the tension so it was a fantastic end of the day for them.

May 14
Horrible picture! But such a fun experience! My friend, Julia, found these cute baby owls hanging out on a telephone pole. We went and watched them for quite a while this evening. We even had to divert traffic after one flew to the road!
May 15
Lyndsi and I spent the day running errands after her soccer game. One of our stops was at Shady Creek Nursery in Omak. They have a great koi pond the kids like to play around as I shop.

May 16
I love my potting table! Steve made this for me a couple of summers ago. We were rebuilding our deck and he used some of the old deck wood to make me a space to plant my spring pots. Some day I'll get a picture of it when it's all cleaned up and cute!

May 17
Did you know that Bigfoot lives on Desautel Pass outside Omak? Hee hee! Whenever we drive to Spokane from Omak/Okanogan, we have to look for this statue of Bigfoot. I was driving to Spokane for a doctor's appointment when he caught my eye. I wonder who put Bigfoot here?

May 18
A couple of my second grade cuties in costume for their operetta performance of The Three Little Pigs.

May 19
This is a watercolor painting Lyndsi did at school. The colors caught my eye and I had to take the picture!

May 20
And here is Dylan's artwork! This is a drawing of part of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

May 21
My sleeping beauties. I'm pretty sure I have other photos like this one but I just can't resist!

May 22
The winning team! The boys are in yellow - some of their youngest fans joined the picture. Yes, you are counting 4 coaches. Crazy - I know!
May 23
This is the 'desert' behind our yard. I love it out there in the spring! I can look out my kitchen window and see yellow and purple flowers everywhere. Unfortunately, a housing development is in the works and my desert won't be there for long.


LCollier said...

I absolutely LOVE Lyndsi's painting. Pretty pretty!! It's a framer!

Zeb said...

mA cool shots!!! especially liked the second one. Reminded me of my sister!!! :)

she's your daughter?