Saturday, December 1, 2007

Oh..... the weather outside is frightful....Yep! It's snowing again! This time it's a good one! We already have a couple of inches and it's not stopping. The flakes are fluffy and perfect and I'm sitting here by our nice warm fire - ah, the life! I hope the weather keeps me in the mood for staying indoors tomorrow so that I can decorate for the holidays.

Steve played poker last night so I had a couple of ladies over for snacks. I always feel refreshed after being with my good friends, even if only for a couple of hours. These impromptu ladies nights are one of the perks of the guys poker nights!

Dylan rode on the Cub Scout float in the Omak Christmas parade tonight. It was cold! He wore his snowpants, coat, hat, gloves, boots and he still had frozen cheeks. Those of us watching weren't any warmer! We all had a great time, though, watching for Santa Claus and grabbing up those candy canes.

Next weekend is our long-awaited Sun Mountain trip. We have two nights reserved on the beautiful mountain in Winthrop. The lodge is heavenly! I can't wait to see it in all its holiday decor.

My camera is not working!! Ugh! I have to send it off to be fixed and I don't want to be without it. Robyn lent us her camera for our trip to Alaska so I'll dig that out. All is not lost but I'll sure miss my little Canon Powershot!

1 comment:

Kendal said...

Yea for snow! If it weren't for staying up so late last night we wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. We're like little kids sometimes. Thanks so much for having me over, I had a blast last night!