Saturday, June 12, 2010

School Is Officially Out!

All I can say is...."ahhhhhhhhh". Last night we had a lot of people who work for the district at our house eating, drinking and laughing. All were exhausted, relaxed and happy. And our weather is finally starting to act like Okanogan weather. We've been living in Seattle weather for over a month. Our lawns are lush and green and the sage brush is still pretty - all because of the crazy amount of rain we've had! Yesterday, however, the sky was blue and the sun shown all day. Today, too! Ahhh........

June 3

Lyndsi lost another tooth today. She was hit in the mouth by a friend's elbow and her tooth was officially loosened! Her little mouth is full of so many big teeth! Makes me wonder how they'll all fit!

June 4
Today was Grandparent's Day at school and this year Nana and Papa were able to come to the assembly. Both kids' classes performed for all the family members in the crowd. It's not often that the grandparents get to participate in any school activities so this felt extra special.

June 5
This young lady is such a cutie! She works the front desk at the hotel I stay at when I'm in WEnatchee for my Masters classes. She greets me like a friend every time I check in. Don't know her but I love her! Tonight she was leaving early to go bowling and was feeling "girly".

June 6
You've already seen the good pictures from the recital. Here is one where I started to lose my camera batteries. The photo isn't so good but Lyndsi's expression is great!

June 7
Surprise! Grandpa Richard and Teresa came for a quick visit on their way home in Alaska! We had a nice dinner and visit. Don't get to see them much so our brief encounters are nice.

June 8

Once again, I left my photo taking to the end of the day. As I was thinking about what I might take a picture of, I glanced at my dresser where these little handbags are sitting. The painted cigar box was a gift from Erin. I've used it as a purse a couple of times but I prefer to leave it on my dresser as a decoration. The other 4 bags were my grandma's. I love their quaintness and intricate beadwork.

June 9

My friend, Amy, took a darling picture of gnomelike mushrooms in her yard. I thought I might try the same effect - didn't work out quite the same!

June 10

Guess what desks lined up in the hall mean? That's right! School's almost out! Woo hoo!

June 11

And guess what happy kids waving out bus windows means? Yep - school's out for summer!

June 12

Okanogan Farmer's Market - fry bread, coffee, fruit cups and friends. A true staple of summertime in Okanogan.

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