Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Spelling Bee Jitters!

I was hiding outisde the gym door so my photos aren't all that great but I'm so glad I was able to watch what went on!

Dylan was a contestant in the 4th grade spelling bee this morning and boy was he nervous! I was able to sneak in and watch for a bit and was tickled with how well Dylan handled his nerves. He's had some problems with mini panic attacks but not today - BIG sigh of relief! He even seemed to be enjoying himself a bit!

As it turns out, Dylan came in second place! He and the first place winner went through 26 words before she beat him out! They both move on to the next level together along with one alternate.

The Next Four 365 Photos

January 15

Lucy and Ruth - these two little ladies bring such frustration and joy to our family! Lucy has taught Ruth how to play and they keep each other company. We've even caught Ruth allowing Lucy to nap with her!

January 16

These are some of my cohort buddies from my Master's classes in Wenatchee. We meet one weekend each month. This group of gals is from Omak, Okanogan and Yakima so we typically go to dinner on Saturday night, after our Saturday class. The gentleman in the photo is our instructor for our current course. He is from Colorado and needed dinner that night also! The rest of our cohort members are from the Wenatchee area and go home to their families at night.

January 17

Here a few more of my cohort buddies! We are working on a small group project and were given some time to go purchase what we needed for our presentation. Our classes are in a beautiful middle school in East Wenatchee but it is so nice to get out of the building for a while!

January 19

Spelling bee champions! Dylan was so nervous but did so well! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Our School Teacher said...

Hey Jill!
How are you? I love your blog. I have two. This one is my school project for my kiddos' writing assignments.
Great to see what is going on with your family.